Cobra Pose Step-by-Step: The Ultimate Yoga Guide for Everyone

Cobra Pose, or Bhujangasana in Sanskrit, is one of the most accessible and beneficial yoga poses. This heart-opening backbend provides a gentle yet energizing stretch for the entire body.

Regularly practicing Cobra Pose can boost physical strength, improve posture, relieve back pain, and enhance mood. While the Cobra pose may appear simple on the surface, you must follow some essential alignment principles to reap the rewards safely.

This in-depth guide will teach you how to do Cobra Pose properly, modify it to your ability, and master the posture over time. Let’s break down everything you need to know as a beginner.

What is Cobra Pose?

Cobra Pose is classified as a reclining backbend yoga pose. To get into the posture, you lay face down with your palms flat on the mat underneath your shoulders. On an inhale, you press down through your hands to lift your head, chest, and abdomen off the floor while keeping your pelvis rooted.

The pose gets its name from the Sanskrit word “Bhujanga,” meaning serpent or snake. When you lift your torso up, it creates the shape of a cobra with its hood raised majestically.

It serves as the perfect counterpose to slouching and screens. This heart opener can be both energizing and therapeutic.

How to Do Cobra Pose Step-by-Step

Follow these step-by-step instructions to perform Cobra Pose safely:

  1. Lie face down on your yoga mat with your legs straight behind you and the tops of your feet pressing down. Point your toes.
  2. Place your hands underneath your shoulders with your fingers facing forward. Hug your elbows into your rib cage.
  3. Inhale to press your pubic bone and the tops of your feet firmly into the mat.
  4. As you exhale, engage your core. Continue pressing down through your legs and feet.
  5. On your next inhale, begin peeling your chest off the floor using your back muscles. Keep your gaze down.
  6. Roll your shoulders back and down away from your ears. Lift through your heart center.
  7. To deepen the stretch, straighten your arms while still keeping a slight bend in the elbows. Lift your chest higher while rooting down through your legs.
  8. Draw your shoulders down your back while broadening your collarbones. Lift through the crown of your head to lengthen your neck.
  9. For the full expression, straighten your arms completely and lift your thighs and pubic bone up, off the floor. Keep your legs active and chest lifting.
  10. Hold for five slow breaths, then exhale to lower back down to the starting position.

Repeat up to 5 times, moving slowly and using your breath. Listen to your body and go as far into the backbend till it feels comfortable. You may keep your gaze down the entire time to protect your neck.

5 Key Alignment Tips for Cobra Pose

Proper alignment is crucial in Cobra Pose to protect your spine and receive the most benefits:

#1. Root down through your pelvis

Press your pubic bone and hip points firmly into the mat to anchor your pelvis. This will support your lower back.

#2. Engage your core

Draw your navel in toward your spine to support your back. Keep your core active.

#3. Avoid clenching glutes

Keep your buttocks soft. Clenching can compress your lower spine.

#4. Roll shoulders back and down

Open your chest by drawing your shoulder blades down. Avoid pinching your neck.

#5. Keep a micro-bend in elbows

Never lock your elbows. Keep a slight bend to take pressure off your joints.

Cobra Pose Benefits

With regular practice, Cobra Pose provides both physical and mental health benefits:

  • Increases spinal flexibility: Cobra Pose stretches and strengthens the entire spine, improving the range of motion.
  • Strengthens muscles: It engages your core, arms, shoulders, glutes, and back to improve total body strength.
  • Opens the chest: The heart center opens, improving posture and self-confidence.
  • Relieves back pain: Gentle backbends can help reduce tightness and pain in the upper and lower back.
  • Boosts digestion: Twisting the abdomen aids digestion and stimulates the organs.
  • Reduces stress and fatigue: This energizing stretch relieves tension. The breath focus calms the mind.

How Long Should You Hold Cobra Pose?

Aim to hold Cobra Pose for 5-10 slow breaths, gradually working up to 30 seconds over time. Move slowly and focus on your inhales and exhales while lifting into the backbend.

Rather than chasing a bigger backbend, distribute the arch evenly throughout your spine. Only go as deep into the pose as it feels comfortable – you should be able to take full, relaxed breaths.

Common Mistakes in Cobra Pose

Avoid these alignment errors to protect your back:

  • Forcing a deep backbend or overarching.
  • Locking out elbows.
  • Letting your shoulders creep up toward your ears.
  • Gripping glutes instead of keeping them soft.
  • Putting too much weight into your hands.

Instead, move slowly into the pose and focus on muscular control from your core and back. Use your breath and gaze to stay relaxed.

Who Should Avoid Cobra Pose?

Avoid (unless instructed otherwise by an expert practitioner) Cobra pose if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Doing it alone during pregnancy.
  • Abdominal surgery.
  • Back injury.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Wrist issues.

Always practice gently and stop if you feel pain or discomfort. Know your limits and work with a qualified yoga teacher if needed.

Practicing Cobra Pose During Pregnancy

Pregnant women should approach Cobra Pose with caution and avoid deep backbends, especially in the third trimester. Here are some prenatal modifications:

  • Choose low cobra to minimize pressure on your belly
  • Keep knees bent and ankles crossed for support
  • Place bolsters or pillows under your chest and thighs
  • Stop at any point if you feel discomfort or strain

Always listen to your body and let your healthcare provider know about your yoga practice. Moving mindfully will help support your pregnancy.

Important Note: Never practice any yoga without a proper guidance from an expert, especially during pregnancy.

Cobra Pose to Improve Posture

Our posture suffers from sitting hunched over desks and devices all day. Cobra Pose helps counteract these postural imbalances with benefits such as:

  • Strengthening the upper back to combat rounded shoulders
  • Opening the chest to remedy collapse
  • Improving flexibility of the spine for better alignment
  • Building core strength to support the lower back
  • Stretching tight hip flexors from sitting

Practicing Cobra activates important postural muscles and reverses spine compression. A stronger, more mobile spine means better posture!

Cobra Pose Variations

These modifications make Cobra more restorative or challenging:

Low Cobra

Keep your chest closer to the floor with elbows bent. Gaze stays down.

Sphinx Pose

Forearms remain on the floor for a gentle backbend.

Flying Cobra

Lift hands hovering over the floor to engage back muscles more.

Full Cobra

Straighten your arms completely and lift your thighs off the floor for flexibility.

Infact you can modify Cobra Pose to target certain muscle groups more. Try:

  • Squeeze your glutes to tone your buttocks.
  • Engage your core intensely to build abdominal strength.
  • Press shoulders down to target upper back.
  • Straighten arms completely to work the triceps.
  • Lift thighs up for deeper hip flexor stretch.
  • Lift chest high and hold hands up for arm and shoulder strength.

Play with slight adjustments to focus on your personal goals. Over time, Cobra Pose will help you build balanced strength from head to toe!

Choosing Between Cobra vs Upward Facing Dog

Cobra Pose and Upward Facing Dog provide similar back-bending benefits. What are the main differences?

Cobra Pose

  • Chest lifted, but hips and thighs grounded
  • Core engaged to protect lower back
  • Elbows bent to reduce pressure on spine
  • Beginner-friendly backbend option

Upward Dog Pose

  • Hips, thighs, and tops of feet lifted off floor
  • Intense chest and abdominal stretch
  • Arms straight with weight shifted forward
  • Advanced backbend requiring open hips/shoulders

In general, Cobra is gentler and accessible for all levels. Upward Dog provides a deeper stretch that demands more warm-up. Try both to see what your body needs!

Also read about Downward Dog Pose.

Transitioning Into and Out of Cobra Pose

Cobra pose gives impressive results when linked with other yoga poses. Try these sequences:

  • Sun Salutation: Move from Downward Facing Dog to Cobra to Downward Facing Dog
  • Backbend prep: Cat-Cow, Child’s Pose, then Cobra Pose
  • Backbend sequence: Cobra to Upward Facing Dog to Bridge Pose
  • Counterpose: Follow Cobra with Child’s Pose or Supine Twist

Practicing Cobra within well-rounded sequences will improve its benefits and prevent strain.

Partner and Couples Yoga Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose can easily be adapted for partner yoga. Here are some ideas:

  • One partner lies on their stomach as the base person in Cobra Pose. The other partner sits crossed legged and helps guide their partner’s spine into a backbend with gentle hands-on adjustments.
  • Partners face each other in Cobra Pose with their feet touching and hands stacked. Lift into the pose together as a shared backbend.
  • From Cobra Pose, one partner rests their head on a block or pillow. The other partner gives them a gentle head or neck massage.

Partner yoga builds trust, connection, and sensitivity. Help each other move deeper into poses with care and support. Breathe together.

How to Use Props in Cobra Pose

Yoga props can enhance your Cobra Pose practice. Here’s how:

  • Yoga blocks – Stack blocks under your hands for a lift. This reduces wrist strain.
  • Yoga bolsters – Place a bolster under your hips or torso for support and a gentle backbend option.
  • Blankets – Roll up blankets under your shins or ankles to take pressure off your lower back.
  • Yoga straps – Loop a strap around your interlaced hands and gently extend your arms to deepen the stretch.
  • Yoga wheel – Rest your forehead on a yoga wheel to allow your neck to relax.

Props make Cobra Pose more comfortable and accessible. Experiment to find what works for your body!


When performed with proper alignment and muscular control, Cobra Pose is an excellent stretch for yogis of all levels. Approach this heart-opening backbend with patience. Over time, your strength and flexibility will improve, allowing you to deepen your posture safely.