A note, a first hand experience: As I sit down to write this blog, I am reminded of the profound impact The Mother (her name was Mirra Alfassa if you don't know), has had on my life and countless others. Her vision of a spiritual community dedicated to human unity and evolution inspired the creation of Auroville, a city nestled in the southeastern coast of India. Auroville stands today as a testament to The Mother's guidance and her unwavering faith in the potential of humanity. I will write a short note of my experience at Pondy. Ever since I began reading Sri Aurobindo's works a few years ago, Auroville had been on my mind. The mysterious, utopian city founded by Mother, seemed to be a living embodiment of her teachings, attracting people from all over the world. Finally, in December 2020, I embarked on a journey that would add experiences that has given me much hope for a 'world community'. The moment I arrived in Auroville, it was exactly mid-night still I was struck by the serenity and spiritual energy that permeated the air. As I explored the city, I delved deeper into the life of the Mother, whose presence seemed to be everywhere. Her influence stretched far beyond the borders of Auroville, touching the hearts of countless individuals across the globe who have travelled miles to stay here. One of the most memorable experiences of my visit was the brief reopening of Matrimandir, the golden centerpiece of Auroville, which had been closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The awe-inspiring architecture, designed by the Mother herself, encapsulated the essence of her vision for a harmonious and spiritually connected world. As I continued my journey through Auroville, I discovered many books written by the Mother and about her, such as "The Mother's Agenda" and Satprem's "Sri Aurobindo, or the Adventure of Consciousness". These writings provided invaluable insights into her life and teachings. My exploration led me to various places, each reflecting a unique aspect of Auroville's rich culture. I enjoyed the delectable coffee at Marc's Café, attended thought-provoking events at the Auditorium, and experienced the tranquility of Pondicherry Ashram and the nearby beach. Each of these locales bore the unmistakable touch of the Mother's influence. Throughout my visits to Auroville, I have been profoundly moved by the Mother's teachings and the community she has inspired. I am grateful for the opportunity to have experienced her legacy first-hand. - Avinash
About The Mother:
The Mother, born Mirra Alfassa in Paris on February 21, 1878, was an accomplished artist, pianist, and writer. As a pupil at the Academie Julian, she honed her artistic skills before traveling to Algeria to practice occultism with Max Théon. In 1914, she journeyed to India, where she met Sri Aurobindo, who had already left politics and completed four years of secluded yoga. At the time, he was publishing a monthly philosophical magazine called ‘Arya‘. The Mother assisted in publishing the French version of the magazine before leaving Pondicherry due to World War 1.
In 1920, she returned to Pondicherry and became an integral figure behind Sri Aurobindo’s teachings and the foundation of Auroville, never to leave the place again.
The Mother left her physical form on November 17, 1973.
The Mother’s life was a testament to her spiritual journey and dedication to the realization of a higher consciousness. In addition to her role in the founding of Auroville and her collaboration with Sri Aurobindo, she authored numerous books and commentaries that provide insights into her spiritual experiences and teachings.
Next post: Quotes and thoughts of J.Krishnamuti.
Some of her notable works include:
Collected Works of the Mother:
This 17-volume series contains the Mother’s writings on a wide range of topics, including spiritual life, education, art, and the establishment of Auroville. Her messages, conversations, and essays offer invaluable guidance for those seeking to deepen their understanding of the Mother’s philosophy.
Prayers and Meditations:
This collection of 150 personal prayers and meditations, written between 1912 and 1958, reveals the Mother’s innermost thoughts and experiences as she sought union with the Divine. The book provides readers with a glimpse into her spiritual journey and serves as an inspiration for their own pursuit of enlightenment.
Questions and Answers:
This series of conversations between the Mother and her students, held between 1950 and 1959, covers a wide range of topics related to spiritual life, yoga, and the teachings of Sri Aurobindo. Her answers provide practical advice and guidance for those seeking to live a spiritually focused life.
Mother’s Agenda:
This 13-volume diary, kept by the Mother between 1951 and 1973, documents her exploration of the deeper realms of consciousness and her work to transform human nature. The Agenda is a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom and experiences, offering a unique glimpse into the Mother’s inner life.
Words of wisdom from The Mother:
The true lasting quietness… comes from a complete consecration to the Divine
– The Mother

Love is not sexual intercourse. Love is not vital attraction and interchange. Love is not the heart’s hunger for affection. Love is a mighty vibration coming straight from the One. And only the very pure and very strong are capable of receiving and manifesting it.

Widen your consciousness to the dimension of the earth and you will have a place for everything.

Do not pretend – be. Do not promise – act. Do not dream – realize.
Also read Vivekananda Quotes.

It is the Divine Presence that gives value to life. This Presence is the source of all peace, all joy, all security. Find this Presence in yourself and all your difficulties will disappear.

There should be somewhere upon earth a place that no nation could claim as its sole property, a place where all human beings of good will, sincere in their aspiration, could live freely as citizens of the world, obeying one single authority, that of the supreme truth.

When one does not progress one feels bored.
– The Mother

Consciousness, to be sure, is more effective than packets of medicine.
– The Mother

Sincere Calls Surely Are Heard And Receive An Answer
– The Mother

Satisfaction does not depend on outer circumstances but on inner condition.
– The Mother

With Patience and Perseverance all prayers get fulfilled.
– The Mother

I belong to no nation, no civilization, no society, no race, but to the Divine. I obey no master, no rules, no law, no social convention, but the Divine. To Him I have surrendered all, will, life and self; for Him I am ready to give all my blood, drop by drop, if such is His will, with complete joy, and nothing in his service can be sacrifice, for all is perfect delight.
– The Mother (Quoted by Debbie Magee, in “Auroville — The City Of Dawn in South India”)

More Quotes are coming….