Yoga is well-known for promoting relaxation, flexibility, and mindfulness. While yoga is often practiced solo, partner yoga allows you to share the experience and benefits with someone else.
Partner yoga helps build trust, intimacy, and communication between you and your partner. It’s also a fun way to motivate each other in your yoga journeys!
In this comprehensive guide, we will cover 55 partner yoga poses for yogis of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner looking for gentle stretches or an advanced practitioner ready to fly, you’ll find inspiring poses to deepen your practice.
Benefits of Partner Yoga
Before we get into the poses, let’s look at some of the top reasons to give partner yoga a try:
- Builds trust and intimacy – By literally supporting each other’s bodies, you build confidence and connection.
- Enhances communication – Cueing each other through verbal and non-verbal communication is key.
- Motivates your practice – A partner provides accountability on days you may not want to practice solo.
- Allows deeper stretches – Partners can gently guide each other deeper into poses.
- Strengthens your bond – Whether with a romantic partner, friend or family member, relationships grow stronger through partner yoga.
- It’s fun! – Learning new poses together and having a buddy on the mat brings joy.
Here are 55 partner yoga poses with step-by-step instructions:
Partner Yoga Poses for Beginners
#1. Supported Sukhasana (Easy Pose Back-to-Back)
The foundation of any partner yoga practice is establishing physical and energetic connection. Supported Sukhasana allows you to sync the breath and feel each other’s support through back-to-back contact. Sitting tall with spines aligned, inhale together and exhale to merge your energetic fields. This simple beginner posture builds trust and intimacy while tuning into the present moment together.
- Sit with your backs pressing together and legs crossed.
- Place hands on knees and sync breathing patterns.
#2. Partner Neck Release
Hunching over computers and phones creates tension in the neck that requires release. For a soothing twist on Savasana, lie back-to-back and interlace your hands behind your head. On each exhale, gently guide your partner’s head side to side to relieve neck strain. Be sure to keep the touch soft and comfortable. Switch roles and enjoy this relaxingDisconnected in a digital world. The soothing touch of your partner’s hands restores human connection.
- Sit facing each other with legs crossed.
- One partner rotates their head slowly side to side.
- The other partner places gentle counter pressure on the head to assist the stretch.
- Switch roles after 30 seconds.
#3. Seated Twist
Seated twists release tension in the spine and increase flexibility. Sitting back-to-back, use your partner’s thigh as a brace to deepen the rotation of your torso. Hook your outside hand behind you and turn your chest to the sky. Feel your partner stabilizing your hips so you can freely revolve your upper body. Breathe fully into the expansion of the twisting posture.
- Sit facing each other with legs outstretched, feet pressing together.
- Each twist to the right, left hand to right knee, right hand behind you on partner’s thigh.
- Use the leverage from your partner’s thigh to deepen the twist.
- Hold for 5 breaths, repeat other side.
#4. Partner Forward Fold
Forward folds calm the mind and stretch the back of the legs. Sit with the soles of the feet touching, then interlace hands with your partner. As one person folds forward, the other leans back to pull gently. Let gravity guide you deeper into the fold, keeping the spine long. Release the hamstrings and find serenity bowing together.
- Sit with legs wide, feet pressing together.
- Reach forward and hold each other’s hands.
- On an exhale, one partner folds forward as the other leans back to assist.
- Hold for 5 breaths, switch roles.
#5. Back-to-Back Chair Pose
Chair pose strengthens the legs and challenges balance. Stand back-to-back, feet grounded, and knees bent. Interlace your arms through your partner’s elbows and inhale to sit lower into the squat together. Lift through the heart to keep the back straight. Squeezing your glutes and thighs, descend with control. Your partner’s support allows you to maintain proper alignment.
- Stand back-to-back, feet shoulder-width apart.
- Bend knees and interlace arms through each other’s.
- Pressing backs together, lower down into a squat.
- Hold for 5 breaths, then stand back up together.
#6. Temple Pose
This posture builds heat while opening the shoulders and chest. Standing tall, facing your partner, inhale your arms overhead. Exhale, folding forward, bringing your forearms together. Let your head hang heavy as your partner’s touch guides you into a deeper forward fold. Surrendering your weight, allow your partner to support you.
- Stand facing each other feet hip-width apart.
- Inhale arms overhead with palms pressing together.
- Exhale fold forward, bringing forearms together.
- Release chest and abdomen down toward floor.
- Hold 5 breaths
#7. Tree Pose
Tree pose improves poise, balance, and concentration. Stand side-by-side, linking your inside elbows. Shift weight to your grounded foot, bending the outside knee and placing that foot on your standing leg. Press palms together in front of the heart and gaze softly at one focus point to steady your balance. Sway as one solid tree with your partner’s support.
- Stand side-by-side, link inside arms together.
- Shift weight to inside foot, raise outside leg bending knee.
- Place foot on calf or inner thigh of standing leg.
- Press palms together for stability.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch sides.
#8. Seated Cat-Cow
Cat-Cow warms up the spine and improves spinal flexibility. Sit cross-legged, facing your partner, knees touching. Interlace your forearms and inhale your chest forward into the Cow pose. Exhale, rounding your back as your partner mirrors you in a Cat pose. Move together, letting your partner guide your body deeper into the stretch.
- Sit facing each other, legs crossed, knees touching.
- Interlace hands with partner’s forearms.
- Inhale, arch back into cow pose.
- Exhale, round spine forward into cat pose.
- Repeat 5 times, flowing with breath.
#9. Legs Up the Wall
Let go of stress as your partner supports your inverted posture. Lie on your back with your legs resting up the wall and calves draped on your partner’s shoulders. As your partner sits facing you, exhale fully and relax deeper. This restorative pose relieves tired legs and gently stretches the back of your body.
- Lie on your back with legs resting up wall and calves on partner’s shoulders.
- Partner sits facing you, pressing gently into your legs for support.
- Hold pose for 1-2 minutes.
#10. Reclined Twist
Twists massage the internal organs and promote healthy digestion. Lying on your back, extend your arms like a “T”. Bending knees to one side, let your partner’s assistance deepen the stretch. Their touch helps you release into the posture with total comfort. Focus on full belly breaths as your back releases.
- Lie on your back, arms out in T shape, knees bent.
- Partner sits at your side placing one hand on your outstretched arm, other hand on knee.
- On exhale, use partner’s pressure to gently twist torso and allow knees to fall opposite direction.
- Hold twist for 3-5 breaths, repeat other side.
#11. Chest Opener
This passive backbend provides upper back relief from hunching forward. On your back, hug your knees into your chest. As your partner cradles your head, relax your arms down by your sides. On each exhale, allow your partner to gently pull your head as your heart lifts toward the sky. Keep your shoulders grounded as your chest expands.
- Lie on back with knees bent, feet on floor hip-width apart.
- Partner kneels behind your head, cradling your head/neck lightly with hands.
- As you exhale, partner gently pulls head toward them to provide chest opening.
- Partner should feel minimal strain in their body during this pose.
- Hold for 5-8 breaths.
#12. Supported Fish Pose
The support of your partner in Fish Pose allows you to comfortably access the posture’s benefits. Lying on your back, lift the torso as your partner holds your legs. Arch your back and open the heart center without strain. Your partner stabilizes your balance, so you can completely surrender into the pose.
- Lie on back with legs extended, arms by sides.
- Partner stands at feet, lifts up legs by ankles/calves & squats down.
- Supported by partner, lift chest upward into fish pose.
- Partner uses legs to control depth of backbend.
- Hold 5 breaths
#13. Partner Relaxation
There is no better way to end a practice than relaxing together in stillness. Laying side-by-side in Savasana, close your eyes and let your breaths synchronize. Allow your partner’s presence to create a sense of safety and comfort. Melting together, enter a tranquil state of shared silence and inner calm.
- Lie in savasana side-by-side, hold hands.
- Breathe deeply and relax together for 5-10 minutes.
Partner Yoga Poses for Intermediate Yogis
#14. Double Down Dog
Downward Facing Dog stretches the whole body, relieving back tension. With one partner in Down Dog, the other stands behind and walks feet up the back into an inverted V-shape. Communication is key to avoiding strain. Feel your spine lengthen as your partner provides tactile cues for alignment.
- Partner 1 starts in down dog.
- Partner 2 stands facing same direction, places hands by partner’s hands.
- Partner 2 walks feet up to place on partner’s low back.
- Partner 1 presses hips up to assist Partner 2’s inverted “V” shape.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch roles.
#15. Flying Pigeon
The pigeon pose opens hips and groins, preparing for deeper hip openers. Beginning the tabletop position, one partner lies prone as the other places their feet on the low back. Lifting one knee forward in Pigeon, fold the torso over the front leg. Your partner supports your backbend for a deeper hip and back release.
- Partner 1: Start on hands and knees.
- Partner 2: Place hands on Partner 1’s low back, lift one leg placing foot between shoulder blades, fold torso over front leg.
- Partner 1: Press hands down to lift chest and support Partner 2’s balance.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch legs.
#16. Dancer Pose
The dancer’s pose improves balance while opening the chest and shoulders. Stand side-by-side holding inside hands, kicking back heels to grab outside ankles. Lean forward as your partner stabilizes you. Use each other’s grip to find steadiness, then revel in the heart-opening backbend together.
- Stand side-by-side facing same direction.
- Hold inside hands together in front of chest.
- Shift weight to one leg, grab outside ankle and extend leg back.
- Lean forward and lift leg up with partner supporting balance.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch sides.
#17. Warrior III
The teamwork in Partner Warrior III helps build trust and stability. Stand facing each other, extending arms overhead to grip the biceps. Inhale to lift one leg back, forming a “T” shape together. Draw energy from your point of contact up through your core. Stay centered over your grounded leg.
- Stand facing each other, hold hands shoulder height.
- Inhale, shift weight to one leg lifting other leg back.
- Partners lean away from each other, using grip for balance.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch leg lifted.
#18. Double Boat Pose
Boat Pose builds core strength by balancing on the sit bones. Sit facing your partner, bending your knees to grip each other’s hands. Engage your abs to lift your feet and straighten your legs together. Lean back slightly, using your partner’s grip for balance. Breathe deeply as you actively flex your feet and quads.
- Sit facing each other, legs bent holding hands.
- Engage core and lean back, lifting feet off floor.
- Straighten legs together to balance in boat pose.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#19. Eka Pada Koundinyasana II
This pose improves balance while opening the hips and thighs. Stand side-by-side, holding hands overhead. Cross one ankle above the opposite knee, leaning away from your partner for counterbalance. Sink into your hips, feeling the stretch intensify down the IT band and inner thigh.
- Stand side-by-side, hold hands overhead.
- Partners open hip by shifting weight to one leg, crossing other ankle over thigh.
- Lean away from each other using grip for balance.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch crossed ankle.
#20. Bird of Paradise
Bird of Paradise blends balance and hip flexibility. Standing in profile, shift weight to lift one leg bending the knee and grabbing the ankle. Reach the same-side arm forward and opposite arm back for your partner to hold. Find your focal point and let your partner’s touch keep you steady.
- Stand side-by-side facing same direction.
- Shift weight to one leg, lift other into Bird of Paradise.
- Hold hands in front of chest for balance.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch leg lifted.
#21. Half Lord of the Fishes
A twist that decompresses the spine and stretches the hips. Sitting facing each other with legs extended, cross one ankle over the opposite thigh. Lean back as your partner stabilizes you, then clasp hands to assist the revolve. Let your partner’s leverage maximize the twist. Switch legs and repeat.
- Sit facing each other with legs extended.
- Bring one foot to crease of opposite thigh in half lord of the fishes.
- Take hold of each other’s hands and lean back to assist twist.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch crossing legs.
#22. Head to Knee Pose
This seated forward bend stretches the hamstrings and back of the legs. Facing your partner, extend one leg forward, bending the opposite knee out to the side. Reach arms forward to interlace hands with your partner. On an exhale, fold forward, bringing your forehead to your shin as your partner supports your back. Switch legs to repeat.
- Sit facing each other, one partner bends one knee out to side.
- Reach arms forward, interlace hands with partner.
- Fold forward, bringing forehead to bent knee as partner supports back.
- Switch roles, repeat on second side.
#23. Revolved Triangle
Wringing out the torso and shoulders, Triangle Twist unravels tension. In Triangle Pose, take top hands and rotate your chest skyward. Using your partner’s grip overhead, revolve your torso deeper over the front leg. Spin your heart toward the sky and gaze up for the fullest expression.
- Stand in triangle pose facing partner, bottom hand on floor.
- Take top hands overhead and hold wrists.
- Partners use grip to revolve chest open.
- Hold 5 breaths, repeat other side.
#24. Prasarita Padottanasana
This wide-legged forward fold stretches the inner thighs and hamstrings. Stand facing your partner with legs spread wide, then fold forward, bringing your hands to the floor under your shoulders. Walk hands together, using your partner’s touch to support you in holding the challenging pose.
- Stand facing partner with legs wide, hands on hips.
- Bend forward, placing hands on floor under shoulders.
- Partners walk hands toward each other into middle split pose variation.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#25. Revolved Half Moon
Half Moon Pose with a twist builds balance and opens the spine. In Warrior II, facing your partner, take your top hands and raise your back leg to revolve your torso skyward. Use your partner’s stability to find poise, revolving your chest and heart center open.
- Begin in Warrior II position facing each other.
- Take top hands, rotate chest open and raise back legs.
- Partners hold hands overhead for balance in half moon.
- Hold 5 breaths, repeat other side.
Advanced Partner Yoga Poses
#26. Front Bird Pose
This playful posture builds trust and core strength. One partner lies on their back with feet lifted, holding the other’s hips. The high flyer lifts their hips up, placing their knees on the base’s feet. Communication and strong cores allow you to balance together. Have fun!
- Base lies on back with knees bent, feet lifted.
- Flyer places knees on Base’s feet, lifts hips up.
- Base supports Flyer’s hips to lift chest upward.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#27. Side Star Pose
Side plank gets a boost from your partner’s helping hand. The base partner lies on their side, pressing up to hold the flyer’s ankle. The flyer extends their top leg overhead in a side split, using the base for balance. Switch sides and marvel at your partner’s flexibility.
- Base lies on side with top arm overhead.
- Flyer places one foot on Base’s hand, other to hip.
- Base uses grip to assist Flyer’s balance.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch sides.
#28. Double Downward Dog
In this inversion, the base’s down Dog provides the foundation to lift the flyer upward. With the base in down Dog, the flyer stands hands on either side of the base’s feet. The flyer then walks feet up the base’s back, pressing up into an inverted V-shape together.
- Base in down dog, Flyer places hands by Base’s hands.
- Flyer walks feet up Base’s back lifting hips into inverted V.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch roles.
#29. Flying Bow Pose
The base lies prone, supporting the flyer’s backbend bow. In down dog position over the base’s feet, the flyer arches back, grabbing ankles overhead. The base uses a firm grip on the flyer’s shoulders to assist balance in the deep backbend.
- Base lies prone, Flyer in down dog position on Base’s feet.
- Flyer shifts hips over shoulders, arching back and grabbing ankles.
- Base supports Flyer’s shoulders in bow pose.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#30. Throne Pose
The royal name says it all – this pose makes the flyer feel on top of the world! The base squats down while the flyer sits on their shoulders in lotus pose. Communication allows the base to stand safely, lifting the flyer up into a throne.
- Base squats, Flyer sits on shoulders in lotus pose.
- Base stands up supporting Flyer’s hips and knees.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#31. Titanic Pose
“King of the world!” feels apropos in Titanic Pose. The base lies on their back, feet lifted to hold the flyer’s hips. Arms outstretched, the flyer enjoys the exhilaration of flying supported by their partner.
- Base lies on back with legs lifted, holding Flyer’s wrists.
- Flyer places feet on Base’s soles, extends arms out to side.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#32. Flying Fish Pose
The base provides back support for the flyer’s uplifting Fish Pose. Lying prone, the base lifts their thighs as the flyer places hands by the base’s chest and then arches up. Together you’ll lift spirits as the flyer opens its heart center.
- Base lies prone, lifts thighs off floor supporting arch.
- Flyer places hands by Base’s chest, arches upward into fish.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#33. Buddha’s Cradle
This pose lets the flyer relax, fully supported by their partner base. Lying on their back, the base lifts hips with knees bent. The flyer places shoulders under ankles, clasping hips or thighs as the base gently rocks their legs.
- Base lies supine, knees bent, soles of feet lifted.
- Flyer places shoulders under Base’s ankles, holds hips.
- Base supports Flyer’s back to lift legs overhead.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#34. Double Plank
Two planks are better than one in this core and arm strengthener. The base holds a strong plank as the flyer steps onto their shoulders. Maintain one consistent plank together, gazing forward and breathing steadily.
- Base in plank position.
- Flyer places hands outside Base’s hands, steps feet to shoulders.
- Partners hold planks, gazing forward.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch roles.
#35. Flying Crow Pose
Flying Crow pose without the strain on the wrists lets you play with challenging arm balances. The base squats with arms outstretched. The flyer places knees on the base’s triceps then attempts to lift feet off. Have fun flying!
- Base squats with knees wide, arms outstretched.
- Flyer places knees on Base’s triceps, lifts feet.
- Partners find balance, lifting knees off Base’s arms.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#36. Bird Pose
Bird Pose takes flight supported by your partner’s strong foundation. Lying prone, the base straightens arms overhead. The flyer places knees on triceps, straightening legs back to balance together. Maintain steady breaths and engage your cores.
- Base lies prone, lifts thighs and straightens arms by chest.
- Flyer places knees on Base’s triceps, straightens legs back.
- Partners find balance together.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#37. Lotus Shoulder Stand
The base supports the flyer’s inverted Lotus Shoulder Stand for an impressive pose. Squatting down, the base helps the flyer place knees on shoulders in Lotus. The base stands, gripping the flyer’s hips and knees for support.
- Base squats down, Flyer places knees on shoulders in lotus.
- Base stands, supporting Flyer’s hips and knees.
- Flyer straightens spine upward.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#38. High Lunge with Backbend
A heart-opening partner variation to a lunging stretch. Face away in High Lunge, back heels aligned. Inhale your arms overhead, then exhale, bending backward to grab your partner’s hands. Let them support you in safely deepening the backbend.
- Face away in high lunge, back heel aligned.
- Inhale arms up, exhale backbend reaching for partner.
- Use grip to support backbend.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch sides.
#39. Twisted Monkey Pose
A deep spinal twist with your partner’s support. Stand facing each other in a wide stance with your right foot forward. Bring your right hand outside your right foot as your partner mirrors you. Reach your left arms overhead and clasp each other’s hands. Use your partner’s grip to leverage your torso into a deep twist. Hold for 5 breaths before repeating on the other side.
- Face away in dancer’s pose, stand heel to heel.
- Take top hands and lean away, using partner for balance.
- Kick back heel up, bending front knee.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch sides.
#40. Unsupported Side Plank
Side plank meets trust exercise in this balance challenge pose. Partner 1 takes a side plank with the top knee bent and the foot down. Partner 2 places one hand on Partner 1’s shoulder. Extend top hands and find equilibrium together.
- Partner 1 takes side plank with top knee bent, foot down.
- Partner 2 places one hand on Partner 1’s shoulder.
- Partners extend top hands and balance together.
- Hold for 5 breaths, switch roles.
#41. Bird of Paradise Bind
Bird of Paradise gets a deep hip and hamstring stretch by adding a bind. Stand hip-to-hip and lift your inside leg up into a half lotus around the back of your head. Reach top hands together for support finding balance in the deep open-hip pose.
- Face each other standing hip to hip.
- Bring inside leg up binding foot behind head.
- Hold hands overhead for balance.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch sides.
#42. One Legged King Pigeon
- Base lies on back, knees bent and feet lifted.
- Flyer places knees on Base’s feet in one legged pigeon.
- Base straightens legs to lift Flyer’s hips.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch legs.
#43. Peacock Pose
Add a partner power-up to Peacock’s arm and grip strength challenge. Back-to-back with inside hand on partner’s sacrum, open front hip lifting back leg bent. Take top hands to “prayer” overhead for extra balance.
- Stand back-to-back, inside hand on partner’s sacrum.
- Lift outside leg bending knee, open hip.
- Outside hands meet above heads in prayer.
- Hold 5 breaths, repeat other side.
#44. Unsupported Crow
Master Crow Pose’s balance without straining wrists using your partner’s touch. Start in Crow Pose with knees touching. Shift forward weight into hands, lifting knees off one another. Find your focal point and breathe in tandem, floating together.
- Begin in crow pose with knees touching.
- Shift weight into hands, lifting knees off one another.
- Partners find balance together in unsupported crow.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#45. Forearm Scorpion
In Forearm Scorpion, partners use tactical touching to find equilibrium together. The base holds a solid forearm stand as the flyer places forearms outside theirs. Walk feet up, hips, and gaze forward, breathing in unison.
- Base in forearm stand with elbows shoulder-width apart.
- Flyer places forearms outside Base’s, walks feet up to hips.
- Partners gaze forward finding balance.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch roles.
#46. Stag Pose
The base’s steady Forearm Stand allows the flyer creative freedom in Stag Pose. Once balanced, the flyer playfully binds its legs around the base. Bases can watch flyers perform dance-like leg extensions from this starting shape.
- Base in forearm stand, Flyer binds legs around Base.
- Base lowers knees to triceps as Flyer extends legs.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#47. Flying Split
Flying Splits take core strength, trust, and teamwork. With the base on their back, feet lifted, the flyer takes a split grip. Partners slowly straighten their legs together, reaching the full split.
- Base lies on back, lifting Flyer’s ankles.
- Flyer takes split grip underneath ankles.
- Partners find balance together, straightening legs.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#48. Upward Bow
Upward Bow gets an amplified heart opener with your partner’s support. The base lies prone, pressing up with thighs to assist the flyer’s back arch up off the floor. Breathe deeply, using the connection to go deeper.
- Base lies prone, lifting thighs to support Flyer’s back.
- Flyer places palms on Base’s low back, arching upward.
- Hold 5 breaths.
#49. Bird of Paradise Infinity
- Face each other standing hip to hip.
- Cross outside ankles high above waist in bind.
- Hold hands overhead for balance.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch ankles crossed.
#50. Side Crow
Arm balancing meets the core challenge in Side Crow. In the side plank, shift shoulders forward, lifting knees up together. Engage core and rely on your partner’s presence to find lift and poise off the ground.
- Begin in side plank position facing each other.
- Shift weight into bottom hands, lifting knees.
- Partners find balance in side crow pose.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch to other side.
#51. Double Pigeon
Double Pigeon opens hips, outer thighs, and ankles. Sit facing each other, one knee bent out, opposite ankle to thigh in the figure four stretch. Walk hands forward to deepen the pose, partners supporting each other’s flexibility.
- Sit facing each other, one knee bent out to side.
- Bring opposite ankle to thigh in double pigeon.
- Reach forward and hold hands.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch bent knees.
#52. King Pigeon Pose
King Pigeon’s backbend gets a boost from your partner’s touch. Facing away in Pigeon, walk hands forward, then lift back toes, stretching back. With your partner’s hand on your low back, kick back heel up and back.
- Begin in pigeon pose, back heel to each other.
- Inhale lift back toes up, reach arms forward.
- Exhale, lower back toes, fold torso over front leg.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch bent legs.
#53. Revolved Chair Pose
Chair Pose, with a twist, challenges balance and opens the back. Facing your partner in Chair, clasp opposite hands and revolve your torso to one side. With your partner stabilizing you, sink your hips lower into the twist.
- Begin in chair pose facing each other, knees aligned.
- Partners clasp opposite hands to twist.
- Engage core to assist revolved chair.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch twist sides.
#54. Hand to Big Toe Pose
Test your balance together in Hand to Big Toe with help from your partner. Stand side-by-side, holding opposite hands. Lift inside leg, extend forward, and grab big toe. Lean into each other for support.
- Stand facing each other holding opposite hands.
- Lift inside leg grabbing big toe, extend leg forward.
- Use partner’s grip for balance.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch legs lifted.
#55. Eagle Chair Pose
This creative posture improves balance through connected breath. Facing each other in Chair Pose, cross one ankle in front, then wrap the opposite elbow under your partner’s. Lean in together, sinking hips lower. Switch crossings and repeat.
- Face each other, cross outside ankles in front.
- Squat down together into a chair.
- Wrap inside elbow under armpit in front of chest.
- Hold 5 breaths, switch crossing of ankles.
Partner Yoga Sequence for All Levels
Here is a sample 30-minute partner yoga sequence that combines beginner, intermediate and advanced poses:
- Easy Pose Back-to-Back (90 seconds) – Sit tall and sync breath
- Seated Twist (30 seconds each side) – Use partner’s thigh for leverage
- Temple Pose (30 seconds) – Fold forward together
- Tree Pose (1 minute each side) – Balance into tree holding hands
- Warrior III (30 seconds each) – Find balance together in warrior III
- Downward Facing Dog (1 minute) – Press into inversion
- Double Boat (30 seconds) – Balance in boat pose together
- Throne Pose (15 seconds) – Fly into throne with lotus legs
- Flying Pigeon (30 seconds) – Fold chest to thighs as partner supports back
- Titanic Pose (15 seconds) – Extend arms for king of the world moment
- Buddha’s Cradle (15 seconds) – Base cradles flyer’s hips
- Partner Forward Fold (1 minute) – Take turns gently stretching each other
- Easy Pose with Hug (1 minute) – Sit facing each other and embrace
After going through this sequence a few times together, you’ll be ready to create more advanced flows tailored to your unique partner yoga journey!
Partner Yoga Tips for Safe Practice
While partner yoga can deepen intimacy, there are important ways to keep the practice safe:
- Talk first – Discuss any injuries or concerns beforehand.
- Start slow – Build up to more challenging poses over time.
- Tune in – Pay close attention to each other’s bodies.
- Don’t force it – Avoid poses that cause strain or pain.
- Use props – Yoga blocks, straps and walls help with support.
- Have a spotter – Have a third person watch advanced poses.
- Communicate – Give clear verbal and non-verbal cues.
- Laugh away fails – Fumbles mean you’re learning together.
Partner Up for an Amazing Yoga Bonding Experience
Partner yoga allows you to share all the mental, physical and spiritual benefits of yoga with someone special. Use the 55 poses covered here to inspire a fulfilling partner practice tailored to your level.
Remember to start slowly, communicate clearly, and most importantly, have fun connecting on the mat! Once you build trust trying these yoga poses for two, you may be amazed at the intimacy, joy and growth it creates in your relationship.