Garuda Gayatri Mantra or Garuda Mantra is capable of eradicating physical and psychological problems. Garuda Bhagwan, also known as Vahana (vehicle) of Vishnu Dev, is a bird creature with characteristics of both humans and eagles. Indian mythology describes Garuda as Khageshwar, the king of birds, as the protector of religion.
Also read the science behind Gayatri Mantra: Who, What & Why Chant.
As a personification of courage, Garuda is mentioned in the Shatapatha Brahmana. In the Adi Parva Mahabharata, the birth of Garuda is described. It is said that Rishi Kashyapa was Garuda’s father. Lord Garuda, according to legend, has the torso, arms, head, beak, and talons of a vulture and the wings, head, and legs of a man.
Having golden wings, and a white face, his body is golden. As with Garuda, all snakes dread its presence, which is a symbol of death and the underworld.
Worshiping Lord Garuda is believed to help overcome anxiety and fear in Hinduism. In the classical Hindu tradition, Garuda Gayatri Mantra is thought to have the power to eliminate many physical and psychological problems. In addition to the mantra, Garuda Dandakam, poetry written in praise of Lord Garuda, can also be beneficial to worshippers. The Garuga Dandakam is recited during Garuda Panchami Vrat.
Let us recite and understand the गरुड मन्त्र.
गरुड मन्त्र
ॐ तत्पुरुषाय विद्महे सुवर्णपक्षाय धीमहि |
तन्नो गरुडः प्रचोदयात् ||
oṃ tatpuruṣāya vidmahe suvarṇapakṣāya dhīmahi |
tanno garuḍaḥ pracodayāt ||
We meditate on Garuda, the Great Soul, the manifestation of Supreme Consciousness. May He, who has golden wings, give me clarity. Oh Garuda, please bring me enlightenment and inspiration.
When & How to Chant the Garuda Mantra?
When chanting the mantra, the northeastern direction should be faced in the evening and morning.
Chanting the mantra in yellow clothing and lighting a lamp with cow ghee in front of a picture of Lord Garuda with Lord Vishnu will yield the best results. With that, a yellow color flower or agarbatti or dhoop should be offered. Use चन्दन तिलक (Sandalwood) on the picture and apply it to your forehead. Flowers of yellow color should be offered. Rice that is uncooked is offered. Provide a seasonal fruit as a प्रसाद and then share with family and/or friends. Chanting this mantra 108 times is ideal.
Also read Agnihotra Mantra: Meaning, Significance & The Science Behind.
Benefits of Reciting Garuda Mantra
An important mantra for protection is Garuda Mantra. Traditionally, it is used for reciting when one is afraid of snakes, to heal snake bites, and to treat fever. Additionally, Garuda Mantra is also known to protect against evil and negativity.
Sometimes Garuda Mantra is recommended in Jyotisha, Vedic astrology, as the cure for Rahu or Ketu problems. In addition to boosting your confidence and courage, this mantra also clears your mind of any fear. It is recommended that one chant this mantra when traveling.
गरुड द्वादश नाम स्तोत्रम्
गरुड द्वादश नाम स्तोत्रम् includes the 12 names of Lord Garuda, and is dedicated to him. This is from बृहत् -तन्त्रसर. Those reading, listening to, or reciting this stotra at the time of bath or while sleeping never encounter poison, poisonous animals, or creatures, and they also become free if under someone’s care.
Garud holds special meaning for us. God Vishnu travels on Garuda. In this way, Garuda learned about पितृ and पितृ लोक based on the questions he asked God Vishnu about life after death. As a result, Garud Purana is created.
The 12 names of Garuda are:
1. सुपर्ण – The one with the best wings
2. वैनतेय – Son of Vinathai
3. नागारि – Enemies of serpents
4. नागभीषण – The terrible one for serpents
5. जितान्तक – The one with the ability to defeat enemies, time, and even death
6. विषारि – The one who cures poisons bites
7. अजित – The invincible one
8. विश्वरुपी
9. गरुत्मान् – The most powerful one
10. खगश्रेष्ठ – The best among birds
11. तार्क्ष्य
12. कश्यपनन्दन – Son of Sage Kashyap
Let us now recite and understand the meaning of the Garuda Dwadasha nama stotram –
गरुड द्वादश नाम स्तोत्रम्
सुपर्णं वैनतेयं च नागारिं नागभीषणम् |
जितान्तकं विषारिं च अजितं विश्वरुपिणम् ||
गरुत्मन्तं खगश्रेष्ठं तार्थं कश्यपनन्दनम् |
द्वादशैतानि नामानि गरुडस्य महात्मनः ||
यः पठेत् प्रातरुत्थाय स्नाने वा शयनेऽपि वा |
विषं नाक्रामते तस्य न च हिंसन्ति हिंसकाः ||
संग्रामे व्यवहारे च विजयस्तस्य जायते ।
बन्धनान्मुक्तिमाप्नोति यात्रायां सिद्धिरेव च ||
॥ इति बृहद्तन्त्रसारे श्रीगरुडस्य द्वादशनाम स्तोत्रम् संपूर्णं ॥
suparṇaṁ vainatēyaṁ ca nāgāriṁ nāgabhīṣaṇam |
jitāntakaṁ viṣāriṁ ca ajitaṁ viśvarupiṇam ||
garutmantaṁ khagaśrēṣṭhaṁ tārthaṁ kaśyapanandanam |
dvādaśaitāni nāmāni garuḍasya mahātmanaḥ ||
yaḥ paṭhēt prātarutthāya snānē vā śayanē’pi vā |
viṣaṁ nākrāmatē tasya na ca hiṁsanti hiṁsakāḥ ||
saṁgrāmē vyavahārē ca vijayastasya jāyatē ।
bandhanānmuktimāpnōti yātrāyāṁ siddhirēva ca ||
॥ iti br̥hadtantrasārē śrīgaruḍasya dvādaśanāma stōtram saṁpūrṇaṁ ॥
Suparna, Vanteya, Nagari, Nagabhishana, Jitantaka, Vishari, Invincible, Vishwarupi, Garutman, Khagashreshtha, Tarkshya Kashyapanandan.
Glory to Lord Garuda The one who recites these twelve names in the morning is not affected by any poison. Any kind of violent animal would not be able to bite him. He wins in battle and in practice. By reciting this hymn, bondage is released, there is success in the journey.
When & How to chant this Garuda stotram
गरुड पञ्चमी or पक्ष पञ्चमी (5th day of waxing moon) days are the best days to initiate reciting this stotram. If not on a daily basis, this mantra can be chanted on Saturdays, स्वथि नक्षत्र days, पञ्चमी तिथि, and एकादशी तिथि days. One can either use the Yantra or the photo of Lord Garuda. One can also chant this mantra when blessed with Garuda Darshan in the sky. It is ideal to chant this mantra when seated either in the North East or East quadrant of the house. Or chanting this mantra should be done facing east.
For the Japa of Garuda Dwadasa Nama Stotram, you can use rosary beads (japa malas) made of Tulasi (preferred) or clear quartz (spadika malas).
Benefits of chanting Garuda Dwadasa Nama Stotram
In the beliefs of Brihad Tantrasaar, anyone who chants these 12 divine names of Garuda either while taking bath in the morning or during sleep will not be affected by poison, can never be killed by animals on Earth, will win wars, will get salvation (moksha), and will have successful journeys.
Lord Garuda and Maha Vishnu both bless those who recite Garuda Dandakam fully. Negative energy, evil eyes, and black magic can all be counteracted with Garuda Dandakam. Those suffering from Sarpa Doshas (Kala Sarpa Dosha, Naga Dosha, Rahu Dosha, etc.) can chant the mantra connected to this dandakam with other Garuda Mantras. Furthermore, by chanting this mantra, if you have accidentally killed a snake, you will also prevent the negative effects of bad luck from harming your good self and your descendants.
Also read: Ganpati Mantras & Atharvashirsham.
Let us recite and understand Garuda Dandakam
॥ श्रीगरुड दण्दकम् ॥
श्रीमते निगमान्तमहादेशिकाय नमः |
श्रीमान् वेङ्कटनाथार्यः कवितार्किककेसरी ।
वेदान्तचार्यवों मे सन्निधत्ताम् सदाहृदि ॥
नमः पन्नगनद्धाय वैकुण्ठवशवर्तिने ।
श्रुतिसिन्धु सुधोत्पादमन्दराय गरुत्मते ॥
गरुडमखिलवेदनीडाधिरूढम् द्विषत्पीडनोत्कण्ठिताकुण्ठवैकुण्ठपीठीकृत
स्कन्धमीडे स्वनीडागतिप्रीतरुद्रासुकीर्तिस्तनाभोगगाढोपगूढ स्फुरत्कण्टकव्रात
वेधव्यथावेपमान द्विजिहाधिपाकल्पविष्फार्यमाण स्फटावाटिका
रत्नरोचिश्छटा राजिनीराजितं कान्तिकल्लोलिनीराजितम् || 1 ||
जय गरुड सुपर्ण दर्वीकराहार देवाधिपाहारहारिन्
दिवौकस्पतिक्षिप्तदम्भोळिधाराकिणाकल्प कल्पान्तवातल कल्पोदयानल्प
वीरायितोद्यच्चमत्कार दैत्यारि जैत्रध्वजारोहनिर्धारितोत्कर्ष
सङ्कर्षणात्मन् गरुत्मन् मरुत्पञ्च काधीश सत्यादिमूर्ते न कश्चित्
समस्ते नमस्ते पुनस्ते नमः ||2||
नम इदमजहत्सपर्याय पर्यायनिर्यातपक्षानिलास्फालनोद्वेलपाथोधि
चण्डतुण्डाय नृत्यद्भुजङ्गभ्रुवे वज्रिणे दंष्ट्रय तुभ्यमध्यात्मविद्या
विधेया विधेया भवद्दास्यमापादयेथा दयेथाश्च मे || 3 ||
मनुरनुगत पक्षिवक्त्र स्फुरत्तारकस्तावकश्चित्रभानुप्रियाशेखरस्त्रायतां
नस्त्रिवर्गापवर्गप्रसूतिः परव्योमधामन्
वलद्वेषिदर्पज्वलद्वालखिल्यप्रतिज्ञावतीर्ण स्थिरां तत्त्वबुद्धिं परां
भक्तिधेनुं जगन्मूलकन्दे मुकुन्दे म्हानन्ददोग्ध्रीं दधीथा
मुधाकामहीनामहीनामहीनान्तक || 4||
षट्त्रिंशद्गणचरणो नरपरिपाटीनवीनगुम्भगणः ।
विष्णुरथदण्डकोऽयं विघटयतु विपक्षवाहिनीव्यूहम् ॥
विचित्रसिद्धिदः सोऽयं वेङ्कटेशविपश्चिता ।
गरुडध्वजतोषाय गीतो गरुडदण्डकः ||
॥ śrīgaruḍa daṇdakam ॥
śrīmatē nigamāntamahādēśikāya namaḥ |
śrīmān vēṅkaṭanāthāryaḥ kavitārkikakēsarī ।
vēdāntacāryavōṁ mē sannidhattām sadāhr̥di ॥
namaḥ pannaganaddhāya vaikuṇṭhavaśavartinē ।
śrutisindhu sudhōtpādamandarāya garutmatē ॥
garuḍamakhilavēdanīḍādhirūḍham dviṣatpīḍanōtkaṇṭhitākuṇṭhavaikuṇṭhapīṭhīkr̥ta
skandhamīḍē svanīḍāgatiprītarudrāsukīrtistanābhōgagāḍhōpagūḍha sphuratkaṇṭakavrāta
vēdhavyathāvēpamāna dvijihādhipākalpaviṣphāryamāṇa sphaṭāvāṭikā
ratnarōciśchaṭā rājinīrājitaṁ kāntikallōlinīrājitam || 1 ||
jaya garuḍa suparṇa darvīkarāhāra dēvādhipāhārahārin
divaukaspatikṣiptadambhōlidhārākiṇākalpa kalpāntavātala kalpōdayānalpa
vīrāyitōdyaccamatkāra daityāri jaitradhvajārōhanirdhāritōtkarṣa
saṅkarṣaṇātman garutman marutpañca kādhīśa satyādimūrtē na kaścit
samastē namastē punastē namaḥ ||2||
nama idamajahatsaparyāya paryāyaniryātapakṣānilāsphālanōdvēlapāthōdhi
caṇḍatuṇḍāya nr̥tyadbhujaṅgabhruvē vajriṇē daṁṣṭraya tubhyamadhyātmavidyā
vidhēyā vidhēyā bhavaddāsyamāpādayēthā dayēthāśca mē || 3 ||
manuranugata pakṣivaktra sphurattārakastāvakaścitrabhānupriyāśēkharastrāyatāṁ
nastrivargāpavargaprasūtiḥ paravyōmadhāman
valadvēṣidarpajvaladvālakhilyapratijñāvatīrṇa sthirāṁ tattvabuddhiṁ parāṁ
bhaktidhēnuṁ jaganmūlakandē mukundē mhānandadōgdhrīṁ dadhīthā
mudhākāmahīnāmahīnāmahīnāntaka || 4||
ṣaṭtriṁśadgaṇacaraṇō naraparipāṭīnavīnagumbhagaṇaḥ ।
viṣṇurathadaṇḍakō’yaṁ vighaṭayatu vipakṣavāhinīvyūham ॥
vicitrasiddhidaḥ sō’yaṁ vēṅkaṭēśavipaścitā ।
garuḍadhvajatōṣāya gītō garuḍadaṇḍakaḥ ||

Salutations to the Lord of Serpents,
Who resides in control of Vaikunta,
Who like the mandara mountain,
Churned the ocean of Vedas,
And has the nectar of it on his legs
The God Garuda who uses the Vedas as his nest as well as the seat,
who leaves Vaikunta and accompanies his Lord Narayana , who rides on his shoulders in his endeavors to kill and destroy the enemies of his devotees,
who on his return is deeply hugged by his wives Rudrai and Sukeerthi, who miss his absence,
which makes his hairs stand erect like thorns and hurts the conquered serpents that he uses as his ornaments ,
which makes the two tounged serpents overcome with fear and make them open their hoods, leading the gems in their hoods to emit strong red light
Which in turn gives out an appearance of showing of camphor light. which makes him shine in the wave of light.1.
Victory to Garuda with very pretty wings, who uses huge serpents as his food,
who stole the nectar from the devas,
which made the king of devas angry with Garuda and made Indra throw his Vajrayudha on him ,
which in turn caused many wounds on his body , which healed wounds today shine like his ornaments,
Who shines in the waving flag of Lord Vishnu during his war leading to the extermination of the Rakshasas and his being recognized as the soul of the war,
Who is the personification of truth and assumed the form of five winds Prana, upana , Samana, udana and Vyana
There is none like you, I salute you first then again salute you and again salute you.2.
Saluted by very many great learned men, when you fly, your wings generate such a storm that it creates waves in the ocean,
which reach Patala (the nether world) and a great sound resembling “Bham”, disturb the elephants who are in guard there , who in turn try to attack you ,
and your form with your sharp nails similar to the goad used to control elephants repulses them ,
and you look fearful to your enemies ,
with your big beak which raises terror,
your squinted eye brows resembling a look of a cobra,
and your canine teeth which resembles the Vajrayudha (weapon of Indra),
please make the knowledge of God as mine and take mercy on me and protect this , your slave.3.
Oh Bird who resides in the abode of Vishnu,
with the five syllable manthra starting with Om and ending with the name of the wife of the fire God(Swaha) ,
you who were born to fulfill the curse of sages called Valakhilya on the Lord Indra, fulfilled their curse,
you who are the lord of death to the base serpents that challenged you,
you whose lord is Mukunda who is the root cause of the universe and the great milk man constantly giving great happiness,
be pleased to bless me with discriminative knowledge ,
be pleased to bless me to be a cow constantly giving the milk of devotion
and be pleased to blessed with joy which is bereft of ordinary passion.4.
This poem comprises of 4 lines , with each line having 36 groups,
With each group consisting of three syllables and follows the rules of the poem,
And if recited is capable of driving away enemy formations completely.
This Dandaka in praise of Garuda was composed,
In honour of The Lord who has Garuda in his flag,
By a scholar called Venkatesa and fulfill the wishes,
And grant many fold blessings to the reciter.
Also Beej Mantras – The Root Sounds.
How to chant Garuda Dandakam
One should chant this mantra while seated in either the east or northeast quadrant of the house. During the chanting of this Dandakam, one should face East.
It is permissible to serve sesame rice or other foods prepared with sesame. Additionally, fruits such as figs, pomegranates, mangoes, etc., or some jaggery can also be offered. Shri Garudar can also be offered Tulasi (holy basil) and white flowers.
Benefits of Garuda Dandakam
In addition to healing physical wounds and injuring victims, it provides the ability to think rationally, knowledge to survive and to overcome all challenges that life may bring, and instils fear in your opponents so they can no longer bully you, and consequently start to respect you. Getting fame, fame and wealth are all possible. This increases happiness and joy in your life. Like Garuda Mantra, Dandakam empowers one to increase self-confidence and courage throughout their journey.
The Garuda Mantra to be uttered at the time of making an offering to Lord Garuda:
वैनतेय महासत्व सर्वपक्षिपते विभो ।
प्रगृह्यतां बलिर्देव मन्त्रपूतो मयोद्यतः ॥
vainateya mahāsatva sarvapakṣipate vibho |
pragṛhyatāṃ balirdeva mantrapūto mayodyataḥ ||
O the son of Vinatā, the high-souled one, the lord, the king of all the birds, accept this my best offering.
A mantra is an ancient practice that is believed and practiced as well as scientifically proven to calm one’s mind and body; and thus just like any other mantra, it is important to understand the meaning before reciting the mantra for complete benefits.
Do go next and recite and understand the other Garuda Mantras holding similarly strong significance.