Learning the body parts name in Sanskrit can be incredibly beneficial for those studying the ancient language, as well as for those interested in yoga, Ayurveda, and other traditional Indian practices. Not only does it expand your vocabulary, but it also helps to deepen your understanding and connection to the rich cultural heritage of India.
In this blog post, we will explore the different body parts in Sanskrit, their meanings and pronunciations, and provide helpful diagrams and images to aid in understanding.
To start with, here I have provided some of the most commonly used body part’s name in Sanskrit and their usage in sentences:
14 Body parts name in Sanskrit and their use in Sanskrit sentences
English Name | Sanskrit Name | IAST Transliteration | Usage in Sanskrit Sentence |
Chest | वक्षः | vakṣaḥ | “sūryasya kiranāni vakṣasi tāpayanti” – The sun’s rays warm his chest. |
Eyes | चक्षुși | cakṣuṣi | “suśīlān janān mama cakṣuṣi tṛpṇanti” – Good people please my eyes. |
Fingers | अङ्गुलिः | aṅguliḥ | “hastān aṅguliṣu daśa bhavati” – A hand has ten fingers. |
Hair | केशः | keśaḥ | “nīlalohiteṣu keśeṣu mālān dadhati” – She wears garlands in her dark and red hair. |
Knees | जानु | jānu | “janunā bhūmau nipapatat” – He fell to the ground on his knees. |
Feet | पादौ | pādau | “margaśīrṣe pādābhyām carati” – He walks on the road with his feet. |
Stomach | उदरं | udaraṃ | “khādānena udaram pūrṇam karoti” – He fills his stomach with food. |
Teeth | दन्ताः | dantāḥ | “suśīlaḥ dandanirjharaḥ” – The virtuous person has rows of teeth like pearls. |
Shoulders | स्कन्धौ | skandhaū | “skandheṣu dhanur dhārayati” – He carries the bow on his shoulders. |
Navel | नाभिः | nābhiḥ | “nābhau jalaṃ dhārayati” – He holds water in his navel (a yogic practice). |
Nose | नासिका | nāsikā | “puṣpāṇi nāsikāyām sugandhān dadati” – She puts flowers in her nose for their fragrance. |
Tongue | जिह्वा | jihvā | “madhuram bhaṭṭam jihvāya spṛśati” – He touches the sweet food with his tongue. |
Nails | नखाः | nakhāḥ | “nakhān chhinatti” – He cuts his nails. |
Ears | कर्णौ | karnaū | “karṇau gānaṃ śrūyanti” – His ears hear the song. |
Face | मुखं | mukham | “mukham hasati” – His face smiles. |
Mouth | मुखं | mukham | “mukhena āhāram grhṇāti” – He takes food with his mouth. |
Sanskrit names of parts of Head and Face
First, let’s start with the head and face.
The head & face in Sanskrit are known as:
English Name | Sanskrit Name | IAST Transliteration | Hindi |
Head | शिरस् | śiras | सर |
Face | मुखं | mukham | मुख |
Here are some more names of head “mastakam” (मस्तकम्), while the face is “ānanam” (आननम्). Face is also mukham (मुखम्) sometimes. Here are some Sanskrit Scripture references:
- Mastakam:
- Ramayana:
- “śiromaṇḍale ca mastake ca rudhiram pradadau” (Bala Kanda, Canto 36, Verse 17) – This verse describes the sprinkling of blood on Rama’s head (mastaka).
- Mahabharata:
- “sarojam mastake cakram udagrahitavan” (Anusasana Parva, Canto 149, Verse 77) – This verse describes Arjuna holding the discus (chakra) over his head (mastaka).
- Ramayana:
- Ānanam:
- Bhagavad Gita:
- “anandamukha-sarasya” (Chapter 9, Verse 21) – This phrase translates to “one whose face is the source of joy,” referring to Krishna.
- Kalidasa’s Meghadūta:
- “śrutadhvanisamīraṇaḥ phalaprabhavaḥ prāṇasya śubhrajaladharaḥ sugandhaḥ” (Verse 17) – This verse describes the cloud as having a face (ānanam) filled with the fragrance of flowers.
- Bhagavad Gita:
- Mukham:
- Upanishads:
- “yatha paṅkajaṁ suryasya kiranebhiḥ prabhātam yāti, tathā manasaḥ kiranebhiḥ brahman brahmānam yāti” (Kena Upanishad, Verse 3) – This verse compares the illumination of the lotus flower by the sun’s rays to the illumination of the mind (mukha) by the Brahman’s rays.
- Bhagavad Gita:
- “yadā sarve prabhāvante hṛdayānyakṣini caitanyam” (Chapter 15, Verse 12) – This verse describes the moment when all senses (mukha) and eyes become radiant.
- Upanishads:
Other parts of the head include the eyes, known as “netra” (नेत्र), and the ears, known as “karṇa” (कर्ण). The nose is “nāsā” (नासा) and the mouth is “mukha” (मुख). The tongue is “jihvā” (जिह्वा), and the teeth are “dantā” (दन्ता).
Also read about animal names in Sanskrit.
Sanskrit names of parts of Neck and Shoulders
The neck & shoulder in Sanskrit are known as:
English Name | Sanskrit Name | IAST Transliteration | Hindi |
Shoulders | स्कन्धौ | skandhaū | कंधे |
Face | मुखं | mukham | मुख |
Neck is sometimes also known as “grīvā” (ग्रीवा). Here is an explanation:
कण्ठः (kaṇṭhaḥ):
- More common: Generally, कण्ठः is the most widely used term for “neck” in Sanskrit literature. You’ll encounter it in various ancient texts and contemporary usage.
- Emphasis on throat: कण्ठः specifically refers to the throat area, including the voice box and surrounding muscles. It’s often used in contexts related to swallowing, speaking, or singing.
- Examples:
- Ramayana: “rāmena kritakaṇṭho bhujavīraḥ paraśuṃ ca khadgam ca chakram ca dhritavān” (Bala Kanda, Canto 66, Verse 26) – This verse describes Rama holding a bow and weapons in his arms while standing with a taut throat (kṛtakaṇṭha).
- Bhagavad Gita: “sarvaduḥkhavinirmukto mānadaṃ sukhadaḥ sukhanivāsī yathā brahmanam paraṃ kṣatraḥ kṣetrajñaḥ dhīraḥ nirmohah” (Chapter 18, Verse 51) – This verse describes a person free from sorrow (duḥkha), residing in happiness, knowing the supreme Brahman, as having a cleansed throat (kṛtakaṇṭha).
ग्रीवा (grīvā):
- Less common: Although valid, ग्रीवा is less frequently used than कण्ठः for “neck” in most standard Sanskrit literature.
- Emphasis on flexibility: ग्रीवा emphasizes the flexibility and movement of the neck. It’s often used in contexts related to bending, turning, or looking around.
- Examples:
- Mahabharata: “utpasyatām gajānām śrotrāṇi prakarṣanti grīvāḥ” (Aranya Parva, Canto 55, Verse 16) – This verse describes elephants twisting their necks (grīvā) to uproot trees with their tusks.
- Yoga Sutras: “yogaś citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ” (1.2) – This famous sutra mentions achieving yoga through the cessation of mental fluctuations (citta-vṛtti-nirodha), using ग्रीवा as a metaphor for the neck of the mind that needs to be steady.
The arms are “bāhu” (बाहु) and hands are “hasta” (हस्त). The fingers are “anguli” (अङ्गुलि) and the thumbs are “aṅgushṭha” (अङ्गुष्ठ).
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Sanskrit names of parts of Torso
The torso is also known as “kuṣṭha” (कुष्ठ) {and sometimes also known as धातुः} and includes vital organs such as the heart, known as “hṛdaya” (हृदय), and the lungs, known as “Phupphusa” (फुप्फुस). The liver is “yákṛt” (यकृत्) and the kidneys are “vṛikka” (वृक्कः). The stomach is “udaram” (उदरम्) and the intestines are “antram” (अन्त्रम्).

Sanskrit names of parts of Legs and Feet
The thigh are “ūrūḥ” (ऊरूः) and the feet are “pāda” (पाद). The knees are “jānu” (जानु) and the ankles are “ghutikā” (घुटिका). The toes are “padangushthah” (पदान्गुष्ठः) and the nails are “ṅakha” (नख).
Also check: Fruits Name In Sanskrit.
Here is all the body parts mentioned in a table for your convenience:
English Name | Sanskrit Name | IAST Transliteration | Hindi |
Head | शिरस् | śiras | सर |
Face | मुखं | mukham | मुख |
Forehead | ललाटं | lāṭataṃ | ललाट |
Eyebrows | भ्रू | bhṛū | भौं |
Eyes | चक्षुși | cakṣuṣi | आँखें |
Nose | नासिका | nāsikā | नाक |
Ears | कर्णौ | karnaū | कान |
Mouth | मुखं | mukham | मुख |
Tongue | जिह्वा | jihvā | जीभ |
Teeth | दन्ताः | dantāḥ | दाँत |
Chin | तनु | tanu | ठोड़ी |
Neck | कण्ठः | kaṇṭhaḥ | गर्दन |
Shoulders | स्कन्धौ | skandhaū | कंधे |
Arms | बाहू | bāhū | हाथ |
Elbows | कुक्कुटौ | kukkuṭau | कोहनी |
Hands | हस्तौ | hastau | हाथ |
Fingers | अङ्गुलिः | aṅguliḥ | उंगली |
Torso | धातुः | dhātuḥ | धड़ |
Chest | वक्षः | vakṣaḥ | सीना |
Stomach | उदरं | udaraṃ | पेट |
Back | पृष्ठं | pṛṣṭhaṃ | पीठ |
Legs | जङ्घे | jaṅghe | पैर |
Knees | जानु | jānu | घुटना |
Feet | पादौ | pādau | पैर |
Hair | केशः | keśaḥ | बाल |
Scalp | शिरोदेशः | śirodeśaḥ | सिर का ऊपरी भाग |
Lips | ओष्ठौ | oṣṭhau | होंठ |
Cheeks | कपोलौ | kapolāu | गाल |
Tongue tip | अग्रं | agram | जीभ का अग्रभाग |
Throat | कण्ठः | kaṇṭhaḥ | गला |
Collarbone | श्रोणिः | śroṇiḥ | हंसली |
Wrists | कङ्कणः | kaṅkaṇaḥ | कलाई |
Nails | नखाः | nakhāḥ | नाखून |
Abdomen | उदरं | udaraṃ | पेट |
Navel | नाभिः | nābhiḥ | नाभि |
Hips | कटिः | kaṭiḥ | कमर |
Thighs | जङ्घाः | jaṅghāḥ | जाँघ |
Calves | शङ्कः | śaṅkaḥ | पिंडली |
Ankles | गोट्रं | goṭram | टखना |
Toes | अङ्गुलितः | aṅgulitaḥ | पैर की उंगली |
Here are some amazing images by प्रो.मदनमोहन झा. If you are keen to learning Sanskrit, you might want to start with Sanskrit Alphabets.
Female body parts name in Sanskrit

Male body parts name in Sanskrit

In addition to these body parts, it’s important to note that the Sanskrit language also has a rich vocabulary for describing various bodily functions, emotions and sensations. This can be very useful in yoga, Ayurveda, and other traditional Indian practices, where a deep understanding and connection to the body is essential.
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